责任编辑:霍琦[环球时报-环球网报道 记者 倪浩]根据路透社报道,美国司法部周五对外宣称已于20日逮捕了一名名叫谭洪进(音)的中国公民,称其从他任职的一家美国石油公司窃取了与价值超过10亿美元产品有关的商业机密。美国司法部称,谭洪进涉嫌下载了数百份与制造一种“下游能源市场研发产品”相关的文件,并计划将这些文件提供给他将任职的一家中国公司。
为什么大部分人常做这样的非理性决策?前景理论(Prospect Theory)解释,决策依赖于参照点。这个理论由行为金融学家卡尼曼和特沃斯基共同提出,并且因此获得了2002年诺贝尔经济学奖。卡尼曼还做过一个著名实验:A、其他同事一年挣6万元的情况下,你的年收入7万元。
As China’s largest economic hub, Shanghai serves as an important window showcasing the new round of high-level opening up. In recent years, Shanghai has accelerated the pace of building itself into the world’s economic, financial, trade, shipping, and science and technology innovation centers. The city has pioneered major tasks on national agenda, such as the expansion of its Free Trade Zone and the establishment of the SSE STAR Market where a registration-based listing system is being tested. By dedicating itself to the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai has grown into a stronger and more internationally visible powerhouse, driving forward China’s economic development, foreign economic and trade cooperation and participation in global governance. In January 2019, the People’s Bank of China and relevant national ministries and commissions jointly issued the Action Plan for the Construction of Shanghai International Financial Center (2018-2020), which would see the city become a worldwide financial hub compatible with China’s economic strength and the Renminbi’s international status by 2020. With further financial opening-up policies put into practice and additional financial products and business models experimented in this city, Shanghai is catching up with global leading financial markets in transaction volumes, concentration of financial institutions and diversity of financial infrastructures.